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Things to Do in Lab

If you're not sure what to do in Lab, and you don't have any tasks assigned on Trello, here's a list of things to do to make your time in lab productive:


 Check the Study Boxes

â—‹Have all consent and contact forms been filed away?

â—‹Are there enough blank consent, demo, coding, and participant ID sheets?

â—‹Are there at least 3 pens, one pencil, one dry erase marker, and one tissue for each box?

â—‹Have the participant ID sheets been updated? 

 Make Copies

â—‹Check the "Needs to be Copied" folder to make copies.

â—‹Check to see if there are enough consent, demo, coding and participant ID sheets in the cabinet.

 Check that all video and audio have been transferred to the server and deleted from the video and audio recorders
 Practice running/coding studies
 Update the Participant Database with new contact information forms
 Update the study tracking board in the RA room

 Organize the filled consent forms in the lab (order from 1-end)
 Disinfect study stimuli (Give-N ducks, EtD game pieces) - use Clorox
 Clean lab office and RA room

â—‹Clean double sided mirrors in testing rooms

â—‹Wipe off counters and tables

â—‹Clean couch tables

â—‹Wipe down door handles and cabinet handles

â—‹Wipe off window sills and wall divider

 Read research papers in lab related to the project you're working on/interested in

â—‹Related papers can be found in the project opening sheet on the server




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